Thursday, June 11, 2009

June. 2009

Two days of animal hunting with David & Nadine Coakley proved to be very good.

Believe this is the first badger I have seen. Loyal says they are a mean animal.....
And, he looked mean....don't know how the people found this den, but he or she were sure drawing a crowd....

This big boy has been posing for several days in the same spot.

And then, this grizzly was sleeping under this tree. Two rangers were keeping the people at bay.....

Love the tongue sticking out......

Just a pretty bird.......enjoy

June Animals, 2009

Posting the "Great Gray Owl" again because the pictures are much better. This first one was taken by Nadine. I wasn't quick enough as he had just flew from one spot to another. Look how he blended in with the bark of the tree.....Amazing.....

He looks like he is a medieval little character....according to Nadine and so true.....

Yum, yum, yum....

This Canada Goose took over this tree next. So funny to see.....

You seldom see a young pronghorn......he was a live wire!!!

June 7th, 2009 Snowstorn......

As you know I travel about 50 miles round trip three days a week to audit two other stores. That would be Roosevelt and Tower Falls. It started snowing flurries as I left Mammoth this day and the higher I got, this is what I encountered. This is the company car I drive parked at the back of Tower Store and the next picture is looking across from the store towards the falls.....It was absolutely beautiful and by the time I left at noon the roads were clear.

Two Grizzlies...

These male and female grizzles entertained crowds for 3-4 days and they did not care who watched the mating ritual. This first picture is one that our friend Nadine took and the bottom one is mine. They are just cuddling!!! The rangers really earned their money.