Friday, May 30, 2008

Rosie & her cubs.....

THESE ARE NOT MY PICTURES!!! but wanted to share..

Rosie is a tagged bear to keep track of her....this year she had two black and one cinnamon color.....a black bear can have a brown cub....

We are going tomorrow with friends Ken & Cheryl Syndergaard and hopefully we will see her and get our own pictures....she can be found close to the road on most days...


There are two Osprey frequently in a dead tree behind our house.....I caught this one scooping down catching a fish in his claws.....the fish was too large and he dropped it....amazing sight!!!!

Osprey are fish eating hawks...

Gibbon Falls

One of the many beautiful waterfalls that Yellowstone has to offer.....


This was our first eagle sighting......they are such a beautiful creature

Two Beavers

This was great watching these two beavers...


Beavers in Yellowstone