Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bull Elk....6-1-2008

This is one of the bull elk that will be courting the ladies this fall...

Moose and her calf...6-1-2008

This calf is not very old and never did stand up.....the mother was very attentive to can see the baby in the brush.....they are not a very good-looking animal, but somehow they grow on far this year we have seen 5 moose.....

Bear Jam....6-12008

This is a bear jam in Yellowstone....these lens put my new camera to were parked for over a mile along the road....Rosie and her cubs certainly draw a lot of attention....Last year she smelled the odor of a deer on one of the parked cars and she promptly tore off the grill of the had apparently hit the deer the day before. would have loved to have seen that....

Rosie & her cubs....6-1-2008

The two kids were playing while mama ate....I really hope for better pictures of them....


Twin Sheep..5-31-2008

These are adorable little guys also....


Each time we see this elk you can tell the growth of his antlers.....they grow about three inches a day and soon they will start losing the velvet....when he loses his winter coat and "slicks" up, he is beautiful.....


We could have watched them for hours....the calf was so wobbly and so dependent on mom.....we have watched and heard a mother elk crying when a pediator has killed their young.....but, it is nature

Kissing her calf...

This mom was so tender kissing and cleaning her baby.....most baby animals are born with no odor and she would lick and lick to remove any odor from the birth....

Mama and Baby...5-31-2008

Baby was just one hour old according to the ranger....she was probably 30 feet off the road....


There were two coyotes with a kill they had drug into the crevice of the rocks.....they would eat and them come out and pose for a picture.....

Grizzly with cub....5-31-2008

Here is one huge mama with her cub......


The same moose that was kneeling....amazing creature....

Kneeling Moose..5-31-2008

Some times moose kneel when they are eating.....this is a bull....

Snow and more snow....5-31-2008

This amount of snow is still on Dunraven Pass which is the highest road in the park. The road had just opened the day before....We had a great day with Ken & Cheryl.....this is myself and Cheryl......