Thursday, June 4, 2009

June, 2009

I don't have a recent picture of Kailey, but wonderful news. She finished her freshman year of college with better than a 3.0 grade average.....Yeah, and we are so proud of Kailey.

Tish and Darin put a pool in last fall and now are beginning to reap the benefits.

Nathan jumping in. Lauren, Nathan & Ryan




Kendall Jean

Lucas, Kelly & Kendall.....

My nephew's military retirement......

My nephew Michael LaRue retired from the Army and will live in Germany.....his list of accomplishments and awards (including The Purple Heart) are quite impressive. I believe the year was 2005 that Mike survived a gunshot wound to the head while serving in Iraq. We are so thankful for his life and wish him a great retirement with wife Stephanie and daughter Hannah.....The woman in blue is my sister-in-law Luwana who was able to fly to Germany for this celebration. Mike's in-law's are beside them and I don't know the others.


June, 2009

It is very unusual for a sheep to birth right beside the road, but this mama pleased a huge crowd. She had just given birth and he was so wobbly and cute.

Mama still has her winter coat.

This mama owl was in a tree keeping an eye on her two young that were across the road close to the nest. Notice the horns on the owl and futher in this update you will see A Great Gray Owl....No horns....

June, 2009

From snow up on Dunraven pass.....
to flowers out Lamar Valley......

The falls at Tower Fall's......the water is so rapid

She lost the babies for a moment and stood to look for cute...

A black sow with her two cubs.....notice the one is straddling the log. They were a little ways down the valley so the picture is not real close.....

The first baby elk calves that I have seen....lot of plump mommies to be around the park.....

GREAT GRAY OWL!!! A rare bird to see in the park. This is one of the advantages of my 3 day a week drive from Mammoth to Tower. No horns!!!! The sun was really bright and it looks like he was squinting....

Loyal is looking at the city below us.....

This is a picture of Gardiner taken north of the city while taking an out of the park ride with John & Sue on Travertine Road.....Beautiful view!!!