Sunday, May 17, 2009

May, 2009

Our days off this week were spent with co-workers and friends, John & Sue Champion. We drove to Cooke City for lunch. Not all the roads in the park are open so we are limited to our travels...But, every time you travel each road, it is a different experience

This eagle was sitting at the bridge at Boiling River for those of you know Yellowstone. We drive this five miles to work each day....he was spotted by "old eagle eyes" Loyal

Still so much snow at Cooke City.....had a great lunch!!!

Playing pronghorn!!!


This black wolf was across the river from where we live. In fact, there were three of them, but too far away for great picture....

Love the baby bison!!!

Early one morning on the hill behind the store was this young spike....

A courtyard of baby bison in the courtyard at Mammoth.....So cute.....