Tuesday, September 15, 2009

8-20-2009-Leaving Yellowstone

We left Yellowstone one month early because of Lou Ann's health issues. I had terrific hospital care and a wonderful doctor who took care of me while in the Livingston hospital. Kudo's to all of them....especially my best nurse, Loyal. It is so good to be home and near our family. I am back to 100% and hopefully an appointment next week with an urologist will prove that. Thanks for all the prayers, cards and love....Lou Ann

8-20-2009-Craze Horse Momument

I scanned the first two pictures from our first visit in 1989 to see Chief Crazy Horse....yes, that is Loyal and I standing in front of what he is to look like when finished....


20 years later, 2009


An eagle flying below the clouds....

July 30th, 2009

Finally, one of my goals this summer was to get a good picture of an eagle in flight! What do you think?

July 30, 2009

A bull moose in Floating Island Pond
Another pretty bison!!


My first ride in the park after three weeks of being ill.....

And, the rut is on!!!
This might be the normal coloring of young fox but he was sure not very attractive. Looked so sad!!!


Saw this grizzly on my last day of driving to audit Roosevelt and Tower.

July 4th, 2009

Black wolf that crossed the road three cars in front of me......Amazing!!!!

July 1st, 2009

This picture was taken during a seven mile hike with David & Nadine to Ferry Falls....about one mile further are two beautiful little geyser's
A black bear and her cub

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June, 2009--day with friends

This last Wednesday we toured the park with John, Sue David & Nadine. This picture was taken with Yellowstone Lake in the background....

Still growing!!!!
This grizzly was turning the rocks over looking for bugs....

This black bear with cub provided quite a show.....started up this tree then came down and went on......

Pretty flowers.....

June, 9--0

Pictures taken on my 3 days a week drive to Roosevelt & Tower

A red fox....

And, once again the Great Gray Owl......he is out most every morning and beautiful....he has been sitting on this twig in the middle of the Phantom Lake (the water has almost completely dried up). These pictures are not in order, but he flew a few feet away appearing to be hunting and then flew back to his perch.....

The elk nursery!!!!

The Teton's

A week ago on our two days off we went to The Teton's with David & Nadine. That would be about a 300 round trip (which we have done before) but this time we rented a cabin at Colter Bay. Fun and beautiful....

When it is time to eat, it is time to eat.....
Loyal & David planning or pondering....what is it that old men do???

Loyal & Lou Ann

David & Nadine....

This picture was taken at the marina at Colter Bay.....The mornings provide great pictures with the reflections.....

This was our little cabin.....

Oxbow Bend, a beautiful place in the Teton's. We made three trips to this spot trying for the "just right" picture, but never did get it.....guess I will have to live with this one....

Maybe just a wee bit close to this moose, but he was busy eating.....and remember I have a good zoom lens.....

June, 2009

The big boy's antler's are growing very fast....
And the babies are born!!!! These little spotted calves are so cute and playful....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June. 2009

Two days of animal hunting with David & Nadine Coakley proved to be very good.

Believe this is the first badger I have seen. Loyal says they are a mean animal.....
And, he looked mean....don't know how the people found this den, but he or she were sure drawing a crowd....

This big boy has been posing for several days in the same spot.

And then, this grizzly was sleeping under this tree. Two rangers were keeping the people at bay.....

Love the tongue sticking out......

Just a pretty bird.......enjoy

June Animals, 2009

Posting the "Great Gray Owl" again because the pictures are much better. This first one was taken by Nadine. I wasn't quick enough as he had just flew from one spot to another. Look how he blended in with the bark of the tree.....Amazing.....

He looks like he is a medieval little character....according to Nadine and so true.....

Yum, yum, yum....

This Canada Goose took over this tree next. So funny to see.....

You seldom see a young pronghorn......he was a live wire!!!

June 7th, 2009 Snowstorn......

As you know I travel about 50 miles round trip three days a week to audit two other stores. That would be Roosevelt and Tower Falls. It started snowing flurries as I left Mammoth this day and the higher I got, this is what I encountered. This is the company car I drive parked at the back of Tower Store and the next picture is looking across from the store towards the falls.....It was absolutely beautiful and by the time I left at noon the roads were clear.