Christmas is celebrated in Yellowstone each year on August 25th....there are several stories but the one we like is on this date there was enough snow at Old Faithful to strand the vistors for a couple of days....they had food, decorations and a gift store so they had an old fashion Christmas at the lodge.
When I get home to my DSL connection, I will upload pictures of our employees this year.

Our Mammoth Christmas was a huge success because of our new manager Chris McCoy. He was full of spirit and that spilled over to the rest of us.

Loyal and I with Alex and Vit, two young men from Ukraine who worked part time for us. They were such a delight and it was hard to tell them good bye today (Friday)

Loyal and I in front of the Christmas Tree......

We ate our turkey dinner out on the front lawn. God provided us with a perfect night as we didn't eat until 8:00 p.m.

Front porch of employees entrance.....
Ready for a feast, fellowship and fun....