Tuesday, September 15, 2009

8-20-2009-Leaving Yellowstone

We left Yellowstone one month early because of Lou Ann's health issues. I had terrific hospital care and a wonderful doctor who took care of me while in the Livingston hospital. Kudo's to all of them....especially my best nurse, Loyal. It is so good to be home and near our family. I am back to 100% and hopefully an appointment next week with an urologist will prove that. Thanks for all the prayers, cards and love....Lou Ann

8-20-2009-Craze Horse Momument

I scanned the first two pictures from our first visit in 1989 to see Chief Crazy Horse....yes, that is Loyal and I standing in front of what he is to look like when finished....


20 years later, 2009


An eagle flying below the clouds....

July 30th, 2009

Finally, one of my goals this summer was to get a good picture of an eagle in flight! What do you think?

July 30, 2009

A bull moose in Floating Island Pond
Another pretty bison!!


My first ride in the park after three weeks of being ill.....

And, the rut is on!!!
This might be the normal coloring of young fox but he was sure not very attractive. Looked so sad!!!


Saw this grizzly on my last day of driving to audit Roosevelt and Tower.

July 4th, 2009

Black wolf that crossed the road three cars in front of me......Amazing!!!!

July 1st, 2009

This picture was taken during a seven mile hike with David & Nadine to Ferry Falls....about one mile further are two beautiful little geyser's
A black bear and her cub