From snow up on Dunraven pass.....

to flowers out Lamar Valley......

The falls at Tower Fall's......the water is so rapid

She lost the babies for a moment and stood to look for them.....so cute...

A black sow with her two cubs.....notice the one is straddling the log. They were a little ways down the valley so the picture is not real close.....

The first baby elk calves that I have seen....lot of plump mommies to be around the park.....

GREAT GRAY OWL!!! A rare bird to see in the park. This is one of the advantages of my 3 day a week drive from Mammoth to Tower. No horns!!!! The sun was really bright and it looks like he was squinting....

Loyal is looking at the city below us.....

This is a picture of Gardiner taken north of the city while taking an out of the park ride with John & Sue on
Travertine Road.....Beautiful view!!!
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