The four people standing together in front of Old Faithful are John, Sue, Loyal & Lou Ann.... we were standing in frontt of a live web cam, called our daughter and she saved the picture and then emailed it to us.......
I've enjoyed looking through your blog - you've got some great pictures here. A documentary series about Yellowstone was recently shown on British TV. It's on my 'Must Visit One Day' list.
We are Loyal & Lou Ann Yarnell from Kansas....we are both retired and enjoy traveling in our RV....This will be the fourth summer working at Mammoth General Store in Yellowstone National Park....
I've enjoyed looking through your blog - you've got some great pictures here.
A documentary series about Yellowstone was recently shown on British TV. It's on my 'Must Visit One Day' list.
Was this before or after the two employees were caught urinating in Ol' Faithful?
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